mindful movement on -and off- the mat
I have had a hard time grappling with what it means to be a Yoga teacher and practitioner in the modern world. The ancient instructions for participating in this practice were not geared towards one with computers in our pockets and Instagram-able posts selling hyper flexibility and steel-cut abs as the ultimate goal. I am not knocking anyone or sitting in judgment- I, too, follow some of those accounts and have my own goals of attaining various postures. Personally, as a White-Pakistani woman, I have grappled with the feeling of imposter syndrome, especially when coupled with the understanding of how harmful and exclusionary these spaces have been and continue to be.
If I didn't address the appropriation of Yoga, lack of representation among teachers and students, classist studio culture, and my personal privilege, then I would feel irresponsible. I understand that Yoga is about transcending the body we inhabit but I don't believe we can use that to ignore the injustice that abounds or be passive in hoping for a better world. I think we can take a path toward transcendence as well as activism in the flesh!
I have included some links to resources that have helped me in conversation and sharpened my critical thinking! I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter, and any recommendations to add to my repertoire. I recognize that the class videos I have offered on this site are heavy on movement. I am certainly going to be filling the pranayama/meditation section much more! If there is anything I can do to make this space or my offerings feel more welcoming, I would love to be of service. Please send a message in the contact form. I am aware of the growth potential I have in this area, so constructive criticism is always welcome.